Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Monday, March 13, 2017

Impon... Stupid Question of the Universe #5

Every so often, I share with you a question I wonder about, such as, "Why did [x] happen?"  This time, I have a question that would be better known as, "Why did you even think that?"

Considering that Jewish people aren't allowed to eat pork or shellfish (among other foods), do you think they watched The Muppet Show when they were children?  After all, look at all the pigs and lobsters and singing clams that were on the show!

(I left #'s 1 - 4 available because my pride says that I couldn't possibly have come up with the dumbest question in the universe.  Surely, someone else can think of stupider ones.)


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