Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Maybe I'm driving the wagon.

Seriously, I need someone to restrain me when I go into thrift stores.  On the brighter side, I did get some more books that I can read during my move to wherever, along with the owl figurines and pictures.  Plus, even though I never look at clothes in thrift stores, that sportcoat at the end of the rack was calling to me.  It was charcoal gray and fuzzy, so I decided to try it on.  It didn't have a size or maker, but the label inside said 100% camel hair.  By some freak of luck, it was a perfect fit.  I bought it for $18.00.  After I got home, I did a web search.  Some stores sell camel sport coats for $150.00.  Some sell them for $500.00.  One (whose link I can't remember) sells them for over $1,000.00!  (I'm guessing that camel is hand-raised.)  In any event, it appears I got a deal.


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