Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sometimes, I Can't Help Myself!

Yesterday, I was speaking with Robomarkov and discussing a new opportunity he has at work.  I advised him that one can eat an elephant, if one takes a bite at a time.

"But can I eat elephant during Lent?" he asked.

"I don't remember if elephants were mentioned in the Bible," I replied.  "That's kind of a gray area."

Once I realized that the sounds he was making were laughter, I clued in to the pun that I inadvertently made.

(Aside to Betty:  This is an excellent example of how I qualified for the Fools' Guild.)


At 9:10 PM, March 27, 2014 , Blogger Betty said...

And a well-deserved qualification it was. :)


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