Anhydrous Wit

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Friday, June 05, 2015

Another Day in Santa Fe

Today ends my third week on the job.  The job's okay.  There are little annoyances, but that's to be expected anywhere.  Actually, the job is good because I'm continually busy, so there's no time to be bored.  (Okay, so the phone might ring a little less often and let me complete a thought once in a while...)  The commute is a drag, though.  This weekend, I'll stop being lazy and really analyze the train and bus schedules and set up a route so I won't have to drive an hour each way and refuel my car every four days.

Today, I get my first full paycheck.  (Because the pay period is Thu. to Wed., my first check, two weeks ago, was for just three days.)  I wish I could spend it on myself -- go to a restaurant, buy a couple more shirts for work (even at a thrift store), buy books -- but my credit card bill has arrived, and it's time to renew my auto insurance, and I'll need to register my car and get a new driver's license for NM.  Do you think maybe I'll have a little more money in two weeks?  And when will I accumulate enough to pay for shipping my belongings from Tulsa to ABQ?

Oh well, at least there's money coming in now, so I won't need to borrow from my mom again.


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