Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Trust Me. I'm a Professional.

At work, we recently received a (second) bill for the "professional" landscape plan at the university's arena. This is the same site for which I had already completed a plan, and which Boss approved, before he asked his friend, the "professional" to do a design. We then waited a month for the plan, and when it arrived, it was a hand-drawn rough draft. We used it anyway. Over a month later, and after the installation was complete, the official, clean, computer-drawn plan arrived. Now, a month after the final plan arrived, we have received a second bill.

As if I wasn't irked enough by that, I got a look at the bill. The hourly rate they charged for a "Designer" was $72.50! I need to show Boss that and ask for a raise. It's enough to make me think of going into the landscape design business on the side.


At 8:58 AM, April 18, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


My grandfather has always said "you can't get rich working for someone else".

At 5:55 AM, May 16, 2007 , Blogger Captain Chlorophyll said...

The question is, "Will tax circumstances make it more of a problem?" I need to do some research first.


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