Who goes to work on a weekend?
I did an end-run on Friday (submitting a grant application before receiving approval to do so), but that's not the plot of this story.
The deadline for the submission was on Friday. I told Boss that, if I didn't hear back from the client before I left for the day, I would submit anyway. I came into work this morning, opened my e-mail, and saw a message confirming receipt of the application at 2:46 p.m. on Friday. I also had a follow-up e-mail, from the campus asst. architect (someone not involved in the submission/approval process), saying that my request did not contradict the campus master plan and that he was okay with it. That was at 7:14 p.m. Saturday.
Further reading of the e-mail revealed that the client had sent Boss an e-mail approving my request, as long as Boss received approval from the asst. architect. The client's e-mail to Boss was sent at 9:14 a.m. on Saturday.
Okay, let's assume that they checked their work e-mail from home, rather than coming in to the office. Still, my question is, "What the heck are these guys doing checking their e-mail on a Saturday?"
Incidentally, I had taken home a stack of work orders (over a month old) to close. I thought I could do that from home, since the database is online. The best laid plans of mice and men, and all that. The link didn't work on Saturday. I double-checked it and did not mistype it. The link didn't work on Sunday, either. I checked a few minutes ago, and I did write it down and type it correctly. Maybe it works only on campus. Maybe it works only with a particular web browser. Maybe it was down for the weekend.
UPDATE: Computer support informed me that the database is accessible only through NMSU computers.
I was at work on Saturday...
I was speaking figuratively. You still get two days to call a "weekend", right?
Well, okay, rabbis work on Saturday...
You still get two days to call a "weekend", right?
Sometimes. :)
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