Anhydrous Wit

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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Rainy Day People

It has rained almost every day for the past two weeks. This isn't like the deluges afflicting the Midwest, nor even the early evening thunderbursts that typically signify monsoon season (which, officially, is still a week or so away). Instead, it's short showers that are just enough to wet my veranda, but little enough that the veranda dries before the next shower. Plus, the rain is falling at odd hours, such as early afternoon or the middle of the night.

I can't say for certain that it rained in Las Cruces during Independence Day weekend because I was in Albuquerque, but I can say that it rained on the drive up, rained while I was there, and rained during the drive back. If not for the fact it isn't raining constantly, I'd feel like that Douglas Adams character, the truck driver who identified something like 70 types of rainfall because, no matter where he went, it was raining. I forget whether it was in Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency or Long, Dark Teatime of the Soul. Of course, the guy could have finally retired after a lifetime of driving in the rain and moved to the desert in the hopes of avoiding it...


At 6:34 AM, July 09, 2008 , Blogger Betty said...

We've been getting those here, too. It's weird. I usually expect the weather here to be either suck-the-moisture-from-your-pores dry or else full-on open-floodgates-of-heaven stuff.

By the way, did I ever mention to you about how Dirk Gently was based on a Doctor Who episode that never aired? :)

At 1:37 PM, July 09, 2008 , Blogger Captain Chlorophyll said...

I can imagine Tennnant doing quite well with it.

At 7:46 PM, July 09, 2008 , Blogger Betty said...

It was Tom Baker. And later Paul McGann, sort of, in a web adaptation. They were both pretty cool. :)

At 5:30 AM, July 10, 2008 , Blogger Captain Chlorophyll said...

Ah. I need to remember to read between the lines with you. So it was taped but not aired? I don't suppose... Nah, let me watch the tape of yours I currently have first.

At 5:32 AM, July 10, 2008 , Blogger Betty said...

Only part of it was filmed, due to a writer's strike. What footage exists was released on tape eventually, with connecting narration for the bits that never made it to the camera.


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