Nyah nyah nyah-nyah nyah!
I harvested my last tomatoes (and eggplant) of the year yesterday (December 9, 2008). I love that I can pick fresh tomatoes off the plant into December.
Lest you think you need to puncture my pride, I'll have you know that I had to scrape frost off all the windows of my car this morning -- in the desert!
Naturally, it's my own fault. I watered on Sunday. I had to water because I hadn't watered my pots since the day before Thanksgiving (about a week and a half), and I hadn't been home during daylight hours since then (working dawn to dusk will do that to a person), so I couldn't tell if they needed water (or, indeed, if there were any more harvestable tomatoes) or not. So, when I finally saw my plants on Sunday, I watered whether they needed it or not. Naturally, it rained that night.
And it rained (with thunder even!) on Monday.
And it rained on Tuesday.
For good measure, Mother Nature even threw in some spring-like winds, which dropped leaves into my farolitos, which I had cleaned leaves out of on Sunday (it being the only day I was home to be able to do it before they turned on at night).
The temperature dropped to 25 degrees (Fahrenheit, for my non-U.S. readers) last night. I expect that, come Saturday, I'll be able to see how many of my plants turned into crispy critters.
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