Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Friday, November 26, 2010

No one has ever accused me of being observant.

I have lived in this apartment for nearly 17 months. Yesterday was the first time I realized that the block of wood on the inside, rear wall of my medicine cabinet wasn't a brace. It's a shelf which had been turned up on edge. I didn't really need it, but I started using it, since I have it.

Keeping with my tradition of non-traditional Thanksgiving dinners (if you can count two instances, 11 years apart as a tradition), I ate pork chops at Herman's yesterday. I was expecting them just to toss them in a frying pan and flip them, but out came chicken-fried pork chops. Yum! And, for some reason, my brain was thinking "fried okra", but my mouth told the waiter "green beans". Oh well, they were tasty, too.

It was unseasonably warm earlier this week -- in the 70's. Tonight we're supposed to have our first freeze. (The one predicted a couple of weeks ago never happened.) Tomorrow will be cold but back to warmth on Sunday. To tide me over these next two days, maybe this will keep me warm.


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