What kind of insect are you?
No, this isn't a stupid, internet quiz (although I did try out two before I started this post). It's a comment on my life.
It struck me yesterday that, if an alien life form came to Earth and observed my behaviors for the past week, it would think I'm a social butterfly. I've been out, doing something, every day. I stayed up late almost every night. In that case, I feel like a blend of the ant and the grasshopper (and the grasshopper at night creates one tired ant in the morning).
Normally, I'm not like this. I tend to be sedentary and seldom emerge from my cocoon (so to speak). Still, occasional fits of social behavior do come over me, and I go out and meet others on infrequent occasions. I think what I really am is a social cicada.
Oh. The quizzes? One result calls me a bumble bee. It's not as dippy as it sounds. It claims, "You are hard working and people don't want to piss you off." I guess that's not far off. The second quiz was more precise, though. According to it, I am a praying mantis because, "You are very intelligent, inquisitive, patient, and well respected by your peers. However you tend to be a loner."
You are chatty & social!
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