Oh no, not again!
At exactly 2:00 a.m. on Friday, all heck broke loose. At least, that's what it sounded like.
I heard something like the Emergency Broadcast System alert, and I started slapping at my alarm clock. It didn't shut off, and after a while I was awake enough to realize that the alarm sounds nothing like that. (For an alarm clock, it's downright pleasant.) Finally, the noise stopped, and my cell. phone beeped like I had missed a call. It was a text message that looked like absolute gobbledygook to me. Oh well, I thought, I'm up already, so I might as well go to the bathroom.
When I returned to bed and shut off the light, I saw flickering on the window blinds. I peeked through and saw at least eight emergency vehicles on the road in front of the hotel. "Maybe that's what all the commotion was," and, "That's an awful lot of vehicles for one sobriety checkpoint," were two thoughts that passed through my head.
I learned at work that day that everyone's cell. phone went off at 2:00 a.m. because of an Amber Alert. (If you're as socially ignorant as I, I included a link so you, too, could learn what that means.) "Yeah, but why did they have to do it at two in the morning?!" still is in my head.
Now I have to figure out if it's the hotel or Tulsa itself that has cursed me to wake at two o'clock in the morning. (If it's one of you, I'm sorry already!) That doesn't explain what all the emergency vehicles were doing out there, though.
I realized how much I had calmed down before typing this post, as I originally planned to say, "Why the 'eff' does this 'ess' happen at two in the morning?!"
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