Mr. (Weather) Wizard
I definitely need training on my weather wizarding capabilities. It took until after lunch today for the rain to start, and it's only a light rain, not enough to rinse off my car thoroughly. Plus, it's darn chilly (below 60 degrees) and breezy, and I certainly didn't ask for that!
My capability of screwing up technical things, as an offshoot of my wizardry, also needs fine tuning. On my first day back this week, one of my employees brought a piece of equipment in for repair. This is nothing new. In fact, he breaks something (mower, weedeater, etc.) nearly every day. However, another of my employees told me, "He didn't break anything last week, while you were gone."
Am I a catalyst? Does he really break things only when I'm present? I'm willing to experiment by taking more time off -- but only if they pay me to stay away!
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