Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Gas Attack

I made another observation today regarding my hypothesis that hypocrisy is a gas (8/17/06). The fumes are just as irritating if the hypocrisy is spoken by a carrier (i.e. a messenger repeating what the generator said).

Through my co-asst. mgr. (I really have to come up with a decent nickname for him, if I’m going to keep mentioning him), Boss wondered why I had designed a proposed landscape the way I did. Well, duh, it’s because Boss himself told me how he wanted it to look, right down to the species of trees. I remember this distinctly because I had pointed out to Boss that there were numerous underground utilities, including high voltage electricity, at the site and that I didn’t think we should plant any trees at all. Today, Boss changed his mind on both the design and the species of tree.

I gasped, I sputtered, and then I fumed, and poor co-asst. mgr. got the brunt of my frustration. (So much for not killing the messenger.) I wish there was a way to turn the gas back on the hypocrite. Naturally, I would start with Boss and Ob.


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