What's in a Name?
Last week, my condo's name appeared on the old sign in front of our property and on a short wall at the end of our parking lot. You know that I love to nitpick, so I'll point out that I remember we voted on the name in the January 2006 annual meeting, and we also agreed that the condo president would show us the design he chose before actually spending the money on the sign. Now it's over a year later, and something finally was done, but.... 1) What took so long? 2) What happened to showing the rest of us the design before spending money? 3) Why was the wall included? 4) This sounds suspiciously like the new paint job that we didn't have any input on.
Speaking of which, the name for our condo has orange-ish capital letters and black lower case letters. On the Creamsicle colored wall, the capitals are almost lost, like those eye tests at the optometrist, which measure your ability to pick out letters or numbers from backgrounds of a similar color. In that case, our condo name appears to be "asitas ncantadas".
One final gripe: I don't know how much they (we?) paid someone to put this on the wall, but it certainly didn't get us much. It appears to have been drawn on with a magic marker. I can see blotches of Creamsicle through the black letters. Would it help if I went out a bought my own marker to put on a second application?
Sigh. If I didn't have such a kick-ass place to live, I'd take the time to get upset about this. At least I don't have to see this stuff from inside my condo.
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