Anhydrous Wit

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Annual Evaluation

Rather than making New Year's resolutions like the multitudes, I prefer to evaluate my life on my birthday. Not only is it conveniently located halfway through the year, but it allows me to be different than the general public. Plus, whereas resolutions have a one-year time limit (and the inherent pressure to perform or guilt if you fail), my "goals" are open-ended, so I still can strive for them, but there's less tension in the process. Here are the three things I would like to do.

1) Continue improving my eating habits with the goal of slimming down.
2) Continue working out, with an emphasis on my upper body. I'm happy with my legs, and I know my abs are under there someplace, but I still have trouble seeing my chest and arms. (I want arms and shoulders like Robomarkov.)
3) Learn how to ride a bike.


At 1:52 PM, June 12, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

with respect to number 2.

You sure have your sights set low.


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