Anhydrous Wit

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Friday, April 18, 2008

Nomanisson Island

Believe what you will about global warming, but the "heat island" effect is true. Areas with concrete and asphalt retain heat and stay warmer through the night than vegetated or bare ground. I was fairly comfortable leaving home this morning, but when I alit from my car in the dirt parking lot on campus, I wanted my gloves on because it was that much colder. This explains why I had fresh tomatoes into December last year.

My island in a sea of concrete is pretty green right now. We've had a good spring (not too hot too early), so the peas I chanced on planting are vigorous and started flowering this week. One of my tomatoes is growing like gangbusters, and the lettuce is now harvestable a few leaves at a time.

Last night, I mixed some spinach and celery from the grocery store with my lettuce and arugula and a bit of parsley to make a salad. I dropped a couple of handsful onto my plate, added some nuts and blue cheese dressing, and scattered some black pepper on top. It looked just like a picture out of a cookbook. I couldn't say the same for my macaroni and meatballs. I think the trick for that would be to mix the tomato sauce and pasta on one plate then pour it onto another plate before taking the picture. That way, you don't have the sauce from mixing around the edge of the plate.


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