Dog Day Afternoon
Earlier (see "It's a dog-eat-dog world" on 6/20/08), I mentioned the running gag developing in my office about my invisible dog. Now, whenever I leave work and head for the gym, I tell my coworkers that I have to walk my dog. On the days I head straight home from work, I'm going to feed my dog.
It struck me that, since it is invisible, my dog is more likely a different species, not just a special breed. I propose that its scientific name be Canis transparensis. I suspect that this species also has different breeds, but since I haven't met anyone else who owns one, I have no basis for comparison.
Today starts the three-day motorcycle certification course. If I leave work right on time, I'll be able to get in most of my workout and dinner before this evening's session. Naturally, I'll have to tell my coworkers that I absolutely can not stay late today. Keeping with the theme, I'll be taking my invisible dog to obedience school.
It's kind of fun owning an invisible dog. Walking it gives me exercise, and there's no mess to pick up. On the down side, there's the risk of this joke going out of control because my friends are likely to be more enthusiastic than I about dog puns and jokes.
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