Does this make me a stoner?
Yesterday, the employee health center had free blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterol exams. (Don't worry; I passed with flying colors.) The nurse stuck my finger but didn't get enough blood. She stuck another finger -- and didn't get enough blood. She enlisted the other nurse to stick yet another finger, and they both rubbed along my arm (and the rubber gloves caused my arm to shed on the table) and squeezed my hand, and after at least a minute, they were able to draw enough blood from me. I remarked that it was like getting blood from a stone.
The one time I tried to get a blood test at a campus health fair, they couldn't get any blood out of me at all. Mostly because I spent 15 minutes waiting in line feeling increasingly phobic about getting poked with a needle. Stupid fight-or-flight reaction, re-directing all the blood away from the extremities...
It's odd when you consider that I donated platelets on Saturday, and I bled really well when they pricked me. Shouldn't I bleed more after they remove some of my clotting factor?
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