Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

It's never too early to buy beer.

I'm bored with sitting around the apartment. I have no TV. I have no stereo. I borrowed a book from the school's library on Thursday and finished it Friday night. (I guess I'll borrow two books next time.)

I went to the ATM, a fast-food joint for breakfast, and two grocery stores this morning. (I do more before 8 a.m. than some people do all day.) One supermarket had my favorite beer on sale. However, as the manager informed me, "It's too early to buy beer."

For crying out loud, I thought I left this crazy blue law behind in New Mexico. Do they think that, because I can't buy alcohol, I'm going to go running to church? Actually, I could do both because the church of my choice is just a mile from my apartment, and their service isn't until 11 a.m., so I could have breakfast, run errands, and enjoy a nice beer with my lunch all before walking to church.

My hidden gripe is that there were signs all around the beer coolers warning customers that it's illegal to buy beer before turning 21 years of age (a law common to all 50 states), but there were none warning people who have just moved here that they can't buy beer on Sunday morning. In New Mexico they roped off the liquor portion of the supermarkets. I ought to write the manager and suggest this idea.

No TV, no stereo, no books, and now no beer. What am I supposed to do for fun?


At 3:46 PM, July 20, 2009 , Blogger Betty said...

Well, at least you have the internet, right? I recommend the TV Tropes site if you want to waste a lot of time. :)


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