Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Everything old is new again.

I taped three of The Thin Man movies (based on the book by Dashiell Hammett) on New Year's Eve, so I watched them this weekend. If I had wanted to, I could've stayed up all night and watched six in a row. I also watched a new Scooby-Doo movie (live action and really contrived; I don't recommend it), which purported to tell how the Mysteries, Inc. gang got together (in a Breakfast Club-esque detention).

I decided older was better, so I also taped and watched Fahrenheit 451 (based on the book by Ray Bradbury). Then, to celebrate my liberty, I read some of my current book. (Note: not a new book; I'm progressing through past mysteries found in the school library and a local, used book store.) Then I watched Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (not based on a book, and I didn't care for the ending) and Bridge to Terabithia (also based on a book, which I probably would've preferred, if I had ever read it).

I seem to have come down with a cold. Yes, I had one almost exactly a month ago, and the timing couldn't be worse. I'm flying back to NM later this week, and I'd rather not contaminate a planeful of people, let alone deal with the sinus pressure as we change altitudes.

So, my verdict for the weekend is that older is better. I'm a man out of time, I think.


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