Anhydrous Wit

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Welcome to Hot Dog on a Hot Dog. May I help you?

I don't know about the rest of the world, but The Noog seems to have a lot of restaurants where the entrees are food on top of food. Two restaurants I've been offer a (usually large) baked potato stuffed with barbecued meat. Two places serve a hamburger with barbecued meat on top of the beef patty. The restaurant where I ate lunch with Skippy on Friday (which is one of the double-sandwich eateries) also offers a chicken breast topped with barbecued meat, bacon, chiles, and cheese -- and you also get two sides (the best fried okra I've ever had) and a large roll. (You need to make sure you fit all of that on the roll, because when I asked for a knife to cut what I didn't fit on the roll, they had to search through the kitchen before finally giving me one of their sharp, we-need-to-cut-up-this-meat-before-we-cook-it knives.) I also shared Skippy's appetizer of lemon-pepper chicken wings. (I still think chicken wings are too much effort for not enough return, but this was the only time I've eaten lemon-pepper that didn't turn me off.)

Which I guess makes it just as well that my Friday night cheesesteak place was closed. It was a wasted trip, but I went back home and had two chocolate chip cookies (which I had managed not to eat after sneaking them out of the dining hall the day before) and a Dr. Pepper.

The next day, I had cake (three pieces). There was an informal bowling gathering between our league and some students from UTC. Since it was informal, we played nine-pin no-tap (which means if you knock down nine pins with your first ball, it counts as a strike, and you don't have to roll the second ball). In my second game, I scored a 286 (out of 300, for those of you unfamiliar with ten-pin bowling)! I actually rolled ten strikes or nines (I think six of the former and four of the latter, but I was too giddy to remember) in a row. Honest! I have witnesses! (Alas, I also have witnesses to me knocking down just eight pins with my eleventh ball and screwing up my perfect score.) My other two games were pretty good, close to 200. I ended up with a 669 series.

Why can't I bowl that well during our weekly league play, when it counts?

I need cake.


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