Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

With friends like this, who needs enemies?

My crew member who collects the trash bags on campus surprised me yesterday.  He asked if he's supposed to throw out everything in the collection sites or just the bagged garbage.  He had found a TV set at one of the dorms and a Jeep door at another.

I sent out a campus-wide e-mail, politely asking people to label atypical items with signs that say "trash" and, oh, by the way, did people really mean to throw out the television and the door.

I got just one reply, from a teacher (and how does she know all this?) who said that she thinks the TV belongs to [one of the dorm parents] and, if it's a black Jeep door, it belongs to [student], but if it's a blue Jeep door, it belongs to [student]. I've sent e-mails to the dorm parent and to the administrative assistant for the boarding students' office to verify if these are the correct owners.

My guess is that the boy's friends thought they'd play a joke on him by taking off one of his car doors.  I'm split 50/50 if the TV is really trash or just another prank.


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