Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Flame on!

Here's a photo of the damaged building taken this evening, after the second fire.

I didn't think of looking at the other side of the building, until I had gotten back to my apartment.  Maybe I'll check that out tomorrow.

I checked Tulsa news sources again.  Three of the four local TV stations finally deigned to consider us news, and the newspaper wrote a second, short story.  (Click on the following if you're interested.)
   Tulsa World
   Channel 6, KOTV
   Channel 2, KJRH  (Note that they didn't mention it's the second fire this week.)
   Channel 23, KOKI

I think I'll ask the apartment manager if all apartments will be inspected for wiring and gas problems (presuming I learn what the fire department determines as the cause of the fires).  These are not new buildings, so I wonder if they can be retrofitted to meet whatever changes in building codes have been made since construction.


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