Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Monday, September 25, 2006

Equal Time

The August issue of Playboy magazine had two interesting articles. (Yeah, I know. You’re wondering why it has taken me so long to get to my August magazines.)

The first was about the place of "radicals" in politics. The article (though it might also be considered an opinion piece) discussed characteristics of authoritarian leaders of the past and present, and gave a little time to the characteristics of their followers, as well.

Later in the magazine, 16 people offered their thoughts about the U.S. presence in Iraq. They included U.S. legislators, media personalities, researchers, and even Joe Truckdriver. Positions appeared to be split equally for and against. I’ll admit, though, that what I enjoyed the most was being able to read and think without being bullied by a slant one way or another, which is all too popular with radio and TV media. (Print media aren’t as bad because I don’t have to endure anyone shouting into a microphone, and I can turn the page or skip to the next article as I see fit.)

For the record, neither article changed my opinion of anything.


At 11:42 AM, October 17, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woah. You actually *read* those magazines?

Uh. Well... I do too, of course. That is why I was so surprised. Because someone else does, too. Yeah.

Seriously though. I ended my subscription to that magazine because I just got BORED with it. It is certainly left leaning but there are ocassional good articles. However, the major point of the magazine is the pictorials and I just got bored seing the same woman over and over and over again. Maybe the hair was styled differently, differnt eye or hair color or change in set location. The poses are all the same. The body type is all the same.

No variety. Boring. Boring. Boring.


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