Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Friday, September 21, 2007

Holy Flashback, Batman!

Those of us in the office decided to partake of the campus cafeteria's staff discount today. I haven't set foot in that cafeteria for about ten years. Whom did I see there? One of my college room mates! Geez, and I thought I was bad for not leaving campus. (I wonder if he's still in grad. school or if he works here?)

For those of you who knew my various room mates, this one was Dave #1. (For those of you who didn't know them, he was so named not only because he was my first of three room mates named Dave, but he also had a... fixation about emptying his bladder on a frequent basis.)


At 10:46 AM, September 25, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave #1 maybe has prostate problems?

At 2:42 PM, September 25, 2007 , Blogger Captain Chlorophyll said...

Oh, he has lots of problems... Naw, that's too easy.

He said he had been tested for diabetes and that wasn't it.

He also didn't drink milk, so, in his early to mid-twenties, he had already developed a "dowager's hump".


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