Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Friday, June 20, 2008

It's a dog-eat-dog world.

The other day, Thing Two got two baby kittens from someone in another office. I am not an animal person, but my desk is in another room, so I barely heard all the, "Oh, how cute!" comments through the day.

Thing One and I started discussing dogs vs. cats, and caring for and training pets. I told her that my favorite dog is the invisible one. I used to see leashes for them all the time on the Boardwalk. I wonder if they still sell them.

Thing Two joined the conversation, and we had a bit of fun with my new, invisible pet. She knows that I am often peeved by working late because everyone else has a spouse or children that they have to get home to, but I don't, so why not make me work late? (Although, I think Robomarkov would be the first to point out that having a wife and two children at home doesn't ensure he gets to leave work after eight hours, either.) Thus, Thing Two suggested that I tell Boss I have to go home and feed and walk my invisible dog.

I had plenty of time to think yesterday, on my way back from the nursery with a truckload of plants but no passenger, and pets entered my mind. I think, if I had to choose, I'd rather have a dog than a cat -- but it can't be one of those "girly" dogs. You know the type: tiny, all hair and eyes and a bow, being carried around in mommy-wommy's overpriced purse. If it were a choice between a girly dog and a cat, I'd pick a cat. Still, I can't have one of those fluffy cats, either, like you see in the cat food commercials, eating gourmet cat food (that probably costs more than my own food) out of a cut glass dish. (Can you see it coming?) Nope, I don't want a "pussy" cat, either.


At 10:00 AM, June 20, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have not worked a 40 hour week since I worked building maintenance or my veterinary assistance.

At 1:26 PM, June 20, 2008 , Blogger Captain Chlorophyll said...

See? I told you that you'd be the first!


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