Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fat Chance

Albertson's, the grocery chain, is running a contest with a Monopoly theme. (At least, it is in New Mexico.)

Customers receive a game packet with each purchase, as well as one for each specially designated item they purchase. Each packet contains a store coupon and four game tokens.

Thanks to stocking up on yogurt the other day, I received 17 packets. That means 68 tokens -- 68 chances to finally complete a section on my game board and win a prize.

Check that. One of the tokens always is half a chance to enter a drawing for a cruise. (You don't win a cruise, just the chance to enter a drawing to win one.) That leaves 51 chances.

Of those 51 chances, only 2 were new for me, and I haven't even won one of the $2.00 store gift cards yet.

What do you think are my chances of winning anything?


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