Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Monday, October 03, 2011

I don't remember having a Triple Hunh Day before.

Three posts in a row is pretty rare, too.

Hunh - On my walk from my workout to my office, I saw that the electronic gate, which is usually open at that time, was closed.

Double Hunh - On my way around the closed gate, I saw that the nearby gate, which must be unlocked/locked and opened/closed manually, was open, as usual.

Triple Hunh - The light that campus security asked me to leave on all the time in my office, so their cameras can see if anyone breaks in, was off.

Maybe the electronic gate is broken, or maybe one of the security guys isn't doing his job. However, if no one working security on the weekend observed that the camera was dark and bothered going into the office to turn on the light as it's supposed to be, that's more than one security guy not doing his job.


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