Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Better Living through Classic TV

A young man walked into our office this morning, said he was from the I.T. department, and said he was there to replace our computers.  "Oh, okay," we said, taken utterly by surprise.

The fact that the computers were not new didn't matter to us.  They were newer enough, though, that the versions of our e-mail, word processing, and spreadsheet programs were "upgraded" versions.  And the displays changed.  And they no longer sent documents to the printer.

The young tech came back and fixed the computers so that they would print again.  He also changed something in the display, but now some of the text is too large, and the rest is still too small.  My coworker and I spent most of the day trying to reset our desktops and settings in the e-mail program.  Tomorrow, I'll see how much time I can bear to spend fighting the upgraded word processor, which doesn't resemble its predecessor in the slightest.

You know me well enough to guess my response.  I told my coworker that "my brain hurts" and that, since it was cloudy and windy, I'd go home, put on some warm clothes, fix myself a cup of  hot chocolate, and curl into the fetal position on the floor, sucking my thumb and sobbing.

Actually, after watching that, my headache is gone!


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