Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

ABBA Spelled Backwards Is ABBA.

One of the problems with being me is that I laugh at things no one else finds amusing.  A case in point is a news report I heard on the radio today.  The reporter in Iraq was offered some mango juice by the interview subject.  I guffawed.  "Why?" you ask.  Ah, can you have forgotten this classic?

Kon Ducki 1-2 by blue-peregrine

The next part has a couple of follow-ups, which turn it into a running gag.

Kon Ducki 2-2 by blue-peregrine

"Kon Ducki" also is the source of one of my oft-repeated quotes (I have used it several times at work, just in the year since I moved to Tulsa), "Nothing easy is ever simple."  Hmm, I wonder if they have the Baby Plucky episodes, too...


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