Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Beli___ on__ ha__ o_ wh__ yo_ re__.

Here's a quote from Murder at the Kennedy Center by Margaret Truman, which I found amusing.

"...Joan Baez quietly transported those old enough to remember the 1960's back to that quaint period."

Quaint? From what I've heard, the 60's were anything but quaint. You'd think that the author (authress?), being old enough, would remember that. (And, yes, she was the daughter of Harry S. Truman.)

In Deception on His Mind, Elizabeth George gives us, "But to Theo it was an avocation that he pursued with a dedication that most men used when pursuing pudenda."

Now there's a word you don't hear every day. Maybe it's because she's English. After all, how many Americans do you hear use the word "avocation" even once in a year? ;)


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