Anhydrous Wit

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

At least it's not another animal song...

A few posts ago, I blamed my mother for my attraction to novelty songs. In this case, I'd say it's "nature" rather than "nurture", since how many children like to listen to their parents' music (I mean, besides me)? One friend in college quipped, "Imagine when we get old: Metallica in the nursing homes."

One of my earliest memories is standing in the rec. room of our house, rapidly and unceasingly drawing figure 8's in the air as my mom played this song on the record player.


At 9:18 AM, March 25, 2011 , Blogger Geosomin said...

There is a series of instrumental hard rock albums for new parents. One is an instrumental Metallica lullaby album -for metalhead parents to put their kids to sleep with.
Brother in law has it for my neice, who loves it and often hums enter sandman...which makes me giggle like a 5 year old...:)

I personally am going to bring the Beastie Boys back in full force when I get checked into a home.


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