Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Hello. Yes, it's been a while. Not much. How 'bout you?

The phone ringing two hours after I went to bed was bad enough. Forty minutes after that, I heard a nearby siren cut off. (Have I already blogged, "Oh no, not again!"?)

Yup, it was the Noog's friendly neighborhood fire department. Yup, they were looking for the apartment next door again (where the new neighbor lady and her boyfriend, both of whom smoke like chimneys, coincidentally enough, moved in). Yup, there was no fire. Yup, I'd rather have them show up when they're not needed than not show up when there actually is a fire or something.

I think I need to have a plate of cookies or energy bars or something set aside for them the next time they visit. After all, isn't it polite to offer your guests refreshments?

Then I couldn't fall asleep for hours (even after reading) because I couldn't find a comfortable position. How did my back get sore between going to bed and the arrival of the fire department?


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