Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Rest of the Story

By the time I first saw the building where my office is to be relocated, the commercial carpeting had already been pulled up halfway. I asked if I could choose new floor coverings and where I could do so. (It took less than an hour for me to wemble. Yay!) I then went to a big-box hardware store to look at toilets, sinks, and faucets, since one of the building's bathrooms has none of those fixtures, and I might get lucky and not be stuck with an old one just hanging around in one of the school's umpteen storage buildings crammed with junk never to be used again. (It took me longer this time, but there were a lot more choices.)

The next morning, I e-mailed my fixture choices to Skippy and Froggy and pointed out that I had chosen the least expensive or next-to-least expensive for each one. I also noted that I couldn't give them my floor and paint selections until I received a price on one of the carpet options. In reply, I was told that there was some leftover tile from one of the classrooms and I'd be getting that. If I had known earlier that they were going to be that cheap, I would've told them to leave down the old carpet and I'd just live with it.

I knew my luck had to run out sometime.

On top of that, the flooring company called and said that there wasn't enough of the carpet I had preferred (ever thrifty, I looked through the discontinued patterns), but they had three other choices also discontinued. Ergo, I went back last night (with one of the sample tiles that had been forced on me, just to see if the colors would still be okay), and my number one and number two choices jumped out at me. Let's see if this e-mail gets approved.

By the way, I can't link to the carpet choices, well, except my third choice, which hasn't been discontinued yet, but if you want to see the vinyl tile I won't be getting, or if you want to see my paint choices, let me know.


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