Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Friday, April 20, 2012

I might end up looking like the Pringles guy.

I have been invited to a Mustache Bash in a few weeks.  (It's a party to honor the St. Bernard's 40th birthday.)  The invitation says, "Mustaches will be provided," but I figure they can save one for a woman and I'll grow my own.  (Why mustaches, I'm not sure, since the St. Bernard bears a Van Dyke.)  I've never tried growing facial hair before; the most I've ever done is go a weekend without shaving.  The last time I did that, I was dismayed by how many gray hairs there were (are).  Do I really want the rest of the world to see them all above my upper lip?  (Plus, there probably will be more hairs on my face than on the top of my head.)

This morning was the first I didn't shave.  It was weird not spreading shaving cream between my mouth and my nose.  After I shaved my neck, the remaining shaving cream made me look like I had an Amish beard.  I think no one will notice today, or they might think I just missed a spot when shaving.  I figure the comments will come on Monday.


At 9:49 AM, April 20, 2012 , Blogger Betty said...

Wow, you get invited to the most interesting parties.

At 5:29 AM, April 21, 2012 , Blogger Captain Chlorophyll said...

That reminds me: I need to decide if I want to host my Nearly Annual Party and what the theme will be this year.

At 9:30 AM, April 23, 2012 , Blogger Geosomin said...

Please - say no to the moustache. I've always disliked moustaches...can't say why. Just draw a moustache on your index finger with a Sharpee and hold it up in front of your lip :)

At 6:35 PM, May 09, 2012 , Anonymous Robomarkov said...

I do think it funny that you are growing a mustache and I have been shaving my mustache and beard off lately! Ha!


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