Anhydrous Wit

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Friday, March 01, 2013

More Is Not Always Better

I coined that phrase several years ago, since "less is more" isn't applicable for every situation.  I found out how true it is this week, when I went to donate blood.

I usually give pheresis (a.k.a. apheresis), a process which removes blood from my body, separates it into its component parts (using a machine more-or-less like a centrifuge), and then pumps whatever is unneeded back into my body.  Usually, I'm asked for two units of platelets.  This week, though, I was told that I wasn't allowed to do that; my iron levels were too high.  Too high?  I've never heard that before, neither in my own donation history or that from either of my parents.

The alternatives were one pint of whole blood or a unit of RBC/P (red blood cells and plasma).  I asked, "Which would help more people?"  (Yes, that's a strong clue to my character right there, if you need one.)

I hope that, next month, I'll be able to donate normally again, but I'm certainly glad there are alternatives to being turned away outright.


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