Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

If I get at least one of these songs stuck in your head, maybe you won't notice that I didn't have a witty title.

I think the storm is passing north of us right now, but I'll keep this short, so I can log off before lightning surges through the super-dee-dooper surge protector and fries my computer.

I spoke too soon (as it were) when I posted this morning. We did have another tree come down in last night's storm. It was a Bradford Pear (Pyrus calleryana 'Bradford') next to the tennis courts. Never fear, since it is almost half a year away from Christmas, there are no homeless partridges.

Actually, it was only half of the tree. Thankfully, it fell away from the indoor court, but how long until our luck runs out and one of the falling trees hits a car or building? In the meantime, I have decided to name the tree Eric.

If you have to ask, "Why 'Eric'?", then you're obviously not familiar with this song (which I will rectify forthwith).

That's right; it's Eric the Half-a-Tree!


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