Anhydrous Wit

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Big, Bad... er, Coyote

When I took Wile E. for "walkies" (moving him to a different location at the retention pond so that the geese don't get used to him, although I wonder why I bother any more since I haven't seen or heard the geese since I set him out, which probably means that he works, which implies I need to keep setting him out there, so the geese won't come back) this morning, I noticed out of the corner of my eye something slipping into the water's edge. I thought it might be a turtle, but a few seconds later, I saw a brown, furry head peep at me from the water. It looked like a muskrat or beaver. Apparently, it's smart enough to realize that Wile E. and Wally are fakes.


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