Mary, Mary Quite Contrary
I've finally had my first negative report. The headmaster's wife phoned Skippy (the afternoon after she left me a voice mail at almost 11:30 p.m.) and worried that she wasn't communicating effectively enough with me.
I read off my notes from her voice mail and noted, for each one, that it was either done that day (one of them twice), the day after she requested it, or it was scheduled for today, or it was a no action item (which was utterly incorrect anyway).
Skippy said that the woman was probably used to my predecessor, Elmer Fudd, who would pull his crew off of whatever they were doing and take them up to her house as soon as he got the request. Skippy suggested that I call the head's wife to let her know I received the message and to let her know when I've scheduled her wishes to be fulfilled. (Um, not in those words; I've added sarcasm.)
Note that the woman neither requested nor demanded that I return her call, nor did she request nor specify a deadline for the items, except for one (and that one she had requested already and I had scheduled already). It appears that, because she's married to the person in charge of the school, it's my fault. I will never get used to that.
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