Anhydrous Wit

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Don't worry about me. Everything's vine.

I was shocked to see that I haven't posted in more than a week, but I have nothing witty to contribute.

I could tell you that I've been moving stuff on my own from our current office/shop location to the new location because Skippy won't let me do this on overtime, and my crew has their regular duties to perform (those of them who show up for work, anyway). I could tell you that Froggy asked me to send "someone" (i.e. me, since my crew has their regular duties to perform) to prune branches away from one of the campus fences, so he could have his crew repaint it, but even though I picked up my pruners and loppers and headed over there right away, I saw that the painting had already been done, evidenced by the paint on the leaves. I could tell you that I pruned anyway, but I spent much more time pulling weedy vines off the trees, which is how I received a long (but superficial) scratch on each forearm. I could also tell you that Thing One's household goods are due to arrive in two hours, so I (with three other neighbors, one of whom also works for the school) helped her return the borrowed furniture to three locations on campus yesterday evening.

I could do all that, and be informative and mildly interesting, but it's not anhydrously witty, is it?


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