The Hound of the Basket Flowers
I haven't seen the man in over a month, but I know that one of my bosses has a new dog. How do I know this? Elementary, my dear. I deduced it.
When I arrived at work this morning, I saw that the bowl on the floor, which had held water for the owner's late dog, now has water in it again. Then, I saw that the artfully balanced stacks of sand pebbles on the windowsill near my desk had fallen. (Indeed, one rock had fallen all the way to the floor.)
"Who would need water in the bowl?" and, "Who would knock over the rocks by my desk?" both can be answered by, "A dog". When our office manager arrived, she confirmed it. (The dog is a Husky named Sasha.)
In case you worried that I stretched "a basket of flowers" to fit my title better, I'll relieve your anxiety and say that Basket Flower is a real species, Centaurea americana.