Triple Witching
In the investment world, stock index futures, stock index options, and stock options expire quarterly, on the same day. This is called "triple witching". I thought I would borrow the term to relate the three positive things that happened at the gym yesterday.
1) The scale says I lost four pounds in the last three weeks.
2) A fellow gym patron told me that working out seemed to be working out (ahem) because it appeared that I had lost weight. (This seems to agree with an exercise book I am reading that says the first five to ten pounds is visible to others, with your clothes on, but the weight loss you'll notice in the mirror has to be more substantial. I certainly haven't noticed any difference.)
3) There is NO third thing! (Shut up, Cardinal Ximenez!) The gym employee mentioned in the previous post has me attempting a maneuver called the "jackknife". Apparently, it's all where you place your hands. I was much closer to successfully reaching the position this time.