Happy 50% Off Candy Day!
For those of us who wear black at this time every year, don't call it "St. Valentine's Day". Call it "50% Off Candy Day Eve".
Are you pondering what I'm pondering?
For those of us who wear black at this time every year, don't call it "St. Valentine's Day". Call it "50% Off Candy Day Eve".
It struck me, as I was assisting Robomarkov in Tucson this week, that I seem destined for a support role in life.
In my mental dictionary, the definition of "Tucson" does not include, "must scrape frost off of one's car windows in the morning". (Nor, for that matter, does it include the word "snow", unless it is preceded by "does not".)
I had occasion to meet a man who had a hip replaced yesterday. He had his first physical therapy session a mere six hours after the surgery. The doctor told him today that he could go home, just 24 hours after surgery, if he wanted to. (His wife, however, wanted another day with the house to herself.)
I am visiting my friend Robomarkov, who kindly fixed bacon and eggs for my breakfast. Well, he calls it bacon. It actually is turkey bacon, which I refer to as "fake'n".
It's ironic that in the library, a place where quiet is esteemed, the cart the librarian is using to reshelve books is the loudest thing.
This morning, I had the blinding realization that "blinding realization" is probably not the best phrase to use when putting in my contact lenses.
I need your help (all you "netizens" out there). For a while, I've been pondering what I would list as the Top 5 Coolest TV Show Theme Songs of All Time. (Please note that, to save a few arguments, I do not rank them in any order of coolness. They just are.) My problem is that I've only come up with three.
Almost a week ago, I asked, "I wonder what else I'm not getting?", in regards to my mail being forwarded (or not) from the Noog. The other day, I received a (forwarded) notice that my request to extend my medical benefits under COBRA was denied because I had not provided a check after being notified that my request had been approved.