Sub won a radio contest to which the prize was a lunch and bowling at the local bowling alley. (When did the bowling alley add a bar/restaurant and a pool hall? And when did people decide that the purpose of going to a bowling alley is to get drunk and play pool, rather than bowl?) Sub was sick, and Boss weaseled out of going, so we invited our local solid waste company executives to take their places and make up the ten-person prize (but only five of us bowled).
I scored 119 in my first game, which wasn't bad when you consider it has been a while since I bowled. I was on my way to a better second game (seven frames completed, with the score at 111 in the 6th, and one strike and all spares in the remaining frames) when the time limit ran out. The two-person team got in two full games, but I was on the three-person team, and Thing Two kept running off somewhere, so we were delayed by that, too.
The afternoon wasn't complete, though, until Boss called and shunted his last-minute assignment onto me. (To give him a little credit, he didn't get the e-mail until just before he called.) I stayed until 5:00 to revise a document, personalize it with nothing more than the school's name and city, and e-mail it back because it absolutely-positively-had-to-be-done-by-Friday, but Friday was a holiday.
The Good: I had a day off and went to Albuquerque for Easter weekend.
The Bad: I always need to work late on the day before a holiday or vacation -- and it's never to get my own work done.
The Ugly: Because of Boss's reluctance/refusal/habit not to do his job and delegate everything (especially blame) except responsibility, this will continue to happen for eternity.